MyEO enables EO members to curate a tailor-made curriculum of groups and events on their own to invite other members. With MyEO, EO members can create and find the exact experience they want out of EO.

Participate In Member-created Events

MyEO Events

A MyEO Event is a member-initiated experience created by members, for members, around a specific topic or activity. This can be everything from a Poker night to an experience Biohacking with Ben Greenfield.

Create an Event Find an Event

Join One of Over 500 Groups

MyEO groups

A MyEO Group is a member-initiated group created by members, for members, around a specific interest, passion or industry. MyEO Groups can be local, regional or global. Members interact virtually or in person, depending on the group´s nature.

Create a group Find a group

Stay Informed According To Your Interests

MyEO Matrix

The MyEO Matrix is the best way to be informed about events and groups you may be interested by taking 5 minutes to select your interests. Whether it is triathlon, smoking cigars, adventure travel, or anything else, the MyEO Matrix is the only way to find out what's happening beyond searching for events everyday.

Select My Interests