

Pullpath is a powerful software tool designed to help managers create interactive updates at regular cadences for their team.

At Pullpath, we understand that effective communication is essential to the success of any team. That’s why we’ve developed a platform that makes it easy for managers to create fun and engaging updates that are 2-way and yet asynchronous.

With Pullpath, you can keep your team feeling informed, engaged, and on track without overwhelming them with constant notifications or wasting a lot of time.

Pullpath EO Utah Representatives

Sina Farzaneh

CEO | Pullpath
[email protected]

About Pullpath


We're now living in a hybrid-first world where personal connection is in scarce supply.

Leaders need a way to broadcast their message in a way that actually connects with people so it's not just talk. That's where Pullpath comes in.

Pullpath's gamified communications makes your team feel more involved with fewer meetings. Survey platform and other communication strategies to help your teams work better together.

Pullpath's Highlighted Services

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    Get Actionable Feedback

    Replace an overwhelming group chat with structured data by providing a safe & direct channel to get feedback from everyone, not just the loud ones.

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    A Streamlined Experience

    Pullpath is an uncluttered channel where your information is bite-sized & brief. This keeps everyone up-to-date & they will retain more information.

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    Includes Leaderboards & Rewards

    Identify your champions, recognize them, and give them a chance to shine.

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    No Apps to Download

    Pullpath works on an channel - just add a QR code or a link to start using immediately. No tech team required.

Pullpath Special Offers for EO Members
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    80% off annual subscriptions

    More info on pricing here:

    Learn more
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    $100/month per license

    Instead of $500/month

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    $300/month for premium service

    Instead of $1500/month.

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    Free Learning Presentation

    15-minute Zoom to review our software, customer examples, or any of the topics that we have expertise on, like:
    – employee engagement campaigns
    – employee trainings that don’t suck
    – customer advisory council management
    – internal & external brand advocacy programs
    – word-of-mouth marketing campaigns